Here you can find the openapi Definition of the orchestrator commands. These are written in the point-of-view from the orchestrator, so a publish means the orchestrator sends out information and a subscribe means the orchestrator receives input.
Wheelchair MQTT
Here you can find the asyncAPI Definition of the wheelchair commands. These are written in the point-of-view from the wheelchair, so a publish means the wheelchair sends out information and a subscribe means the wheelchair receives input.
Wheelchair ROS2
Here you can find the asyncAPI Definition of the wheelchair commands. These are written in the point-of-view from the wheelchair, so a publish means the wheelchair sends out information and a subscribe means the wheelchair receives input.
Camera MQTT
Here you can find the asyncAPI Definition of the camera commands. These are written in the point-of-view from the camera, so a publish means the camera sends out information and a subscribe means the camera receives input.
Drone MQTT
Here you can find the asyncAPI Definition of the drone commands. These are written in the point-of-view from the drone, so a publish means the drone sends out information and a subscribe means the drone receives input.
Vocal HMI ROS2
Here you can find the asyncAPI Definition of the vocal HMI commands. These are written in the point-of-view from the vocal HMI, so a publish means the vocal HMI sends out information and a subscribe means the vocal HMI receives input.